From the Model T to Hybrid Cars: How Transportation Has Changed
By: Jennifer Boothroyd
Many people travel long distances by airplane. Some drive hybrid cars powered by gasoline and electricity. But long ago, most people took long trips by boat or train. They drove gas-powered cars that people started by turning a crank. In what other ways has transportation changed? Read this book to find out! Learn how daily life has changed over time in the Comparing Past and Present series--part of the Lightning Bolt Books (tm) collection. With high-energy designs, exciting photos, and fun text, Lightning Bolt Books (tm) bring nonfiction topics to life! |
How Shall We Travel?
By: Helen Lanz
'Go Green: How Shall We Travel?' looks at how the meteoric rise of car and air travel in the last two centuries has contributed to global climate change, and advises how we can all get around in a more planet-friendly way, such as by walking, cycling or taking public transport. Packed with statistics, useful information and handy tips, each title in the tells us what steps we can all take to 'go green'. |
How Hybrid Cars Work
By: Jennifer Swanson
This is a fun, fascinating look hybrid cars that will excite the young audience. The layout is a mix between graphic novel style panels, photographs, illustrations, and conversational text. The book will immediately draw in young readers with its Fred Flintstone style character driving his "period" Stone Age car. Hybrid cars are a high interest topic and everyone from the reluctant reader to the confident one will want to read about them. There is a timeline spanning several pages and numerous informative sidebars that add a fair amount of information to the text. For example, there is one entitled "Battery Talk" that discusses batteries currently in use in hybrids and the futuristic ones that are similar to those "found in cell phones or laptops." In the back of the book is an index and a glossary. This is a fun, informative book that you may want to consider adding to your homeschool or classroom shelves. |
Biomimicry: Inventions Inspired by Nature
By: Dora Lee
Biomimicry examines the extraordinary innovations of the natural world and the human inventions they have inspired. Readers will learn about marvels such as high-performance swimsuits modeled after sharkskin and the sleek front ends of Japanese bullet trains based on the long, streamlined beak of the kingfisher. There's also plenty about what glimmers on the horizon: A Brazilian beetle may be key to developing computers that run on light, and the gecko's humble foot may hold the secret to revolutionizing the way surgical wounds are closed. Best of all, nature's inventions are lean, green machines that are self-sustaining and generate zero waste -- yet another cue humans are taking from the natural world. Astounding facts, easy-to-understand prose and luminous illustrations bring the wonders of nature into the science lab. |
Not Your Typical Book About The Environment
By: Elin Kelsey
We live in a time of heightened environmental awareness, and this knowledge is creating a generation of children with feelings of eco-anxiety — the world is doomed, isn't it? Maybe not. Not Your Typical Book about the Environment allays kids’ fears by showing how all is not lost. Young readers learn about the remarkable time they live in: smart technologies, innovative ideas, and a growing commitment to alternative lifestyles are exploding around the world. Awareness is creating a future that will be brighter than we sometimes might think. Each chapter begins by taking familiar objects — T-shirts, video games, bikes — and using these as launching pads to delve into related environmental issues. Plus, profiles of unexpected personalities, like happiness researcher Catherine O'Brien, show how many are seeking viable solutions to the serious problems facing our planet. |