I Ride Green

Make sustainable transportation your National Green Week theme!
All signed up? Now visit the How to Participate section to make the most of your initiatives!
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, each day Americans collectively travel a total of 15 million miles on car trips that are ½ mile or less. These micro-trips account for nearly one million gallons of gasoline burned and 10,000 tons of CO2 released into the atmosphere daily. In partnership with Amtrak, GEF created I Ride Green to motivate American students and their families to adopt green transportation habits, and feel empowered to reverse these alarming trends.Program Overview
I Ride Green invites participants to start easy-to-adopt sustainable transportation habits that can lead to lifelong healthy behaviors.Pledge to do at least one of the following:
- Walk, bike or skate to local destinations whenever safe and practical
- Advocate for the installation of safe sidewalks and bicycle paths to schools and other local destinations
- Carpool or take public transportation when non-motorized transportation is infeasible
- Reduce auto emissions by shutting off engines when wait time is 20 seconds or more
Program Objectives
The central goal of I Ride Green is to inspire schools, families and individuals to develop lifelong habits for sustainable transportation that promote the health of the environment, the economy, and people.- Educate students about issues around transportation and sustainable transportation topics such as hybrid technology, biofuels, idling, and much more.
- Inspire children to spend more time outdoors being physically active by promoting the importance of physical and emotional health and well-being through standards-based curriculum and activities
Please visit the I Ride Green curriculum section to access a multitude of sustainability lessons.