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- Hold a Spring Garden Launch: review rules, finalize garden plots, and purchase any additional seeds and seedlings. Discuss compost management, trash removal arrangements, etc. Be sure to take attendance, including contact information!
- Set a regular volunteer drop-in day (i.e. one day per week after school, 2 hours).
- Consider fun kid-friendly activities for the smallest of gardeners (toddler-preK) for drop-in times, as well as other garden-related activities to keep kids busy and active in the garden - visit the Green Thumb Challenge curriculum section.
- Begin to plant and maintain the garden: peas can be planted in cool weather in raised beds, containers, or directly in the ground. Peas are climbing plants – as they grow they require supports (i.e. trellis, fencing, chicken wire). Cabbage, greens (i.e. chard, kale, spinach) and vegetables from the onion family (shallots, leeks, etc.) can also be planted by seed in cool spring weather – check seed packets for additional planting instructions, and the GEF Vegetable Planting Chart.
- Consult the flower planting chart; begin planting some flower varieties after the last frost.
- Utilize a bulletin board or white board for garden announcements and information.
- “Top-dress” perennial plants with fertilizer.