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Sustainability Lesson Clearinghouse
Cereal Box Redesigns
Lesson Description:
Students will be able to:

- Demonstrate an understanding of nutrition and diet.
- Examine nutrition labels.
- Apply basic math skills and problem solving strategies to other disciplines.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the art concept, emphasis.
Lesson Type:
- Project
Sustainability Topic:
- Other
Time Needed:
Two to three 50 minute class periods
Two to three 50 minute class periods
Standards Addressed:
- Health standard 6: understand essential concepts about nutrition and diet.
- Benchmark #1: understand how eating properly can help to reduce health risks (in terms of anemia, dental health, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, malnutrition).
- Health standard 7: know how to maintain and promote personal health.
- Benchmark # 3: know strategies and skills that are used to attain personal health goals (e.g., maintaining an exercise program, making healthy food choices).
- Math standard 1: use a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process.
- Benchmark #1: understand how to break a complex problem into simpler parts or use a similar problem type to solve a problem.
- Benchmark #7: construct informal logical arguments to justify reasoning processes and methods of solutions to problems (i.e., uses informal deductive methods).
- Math standard 4: understand and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement.
- Benchmark #6: select and uses appropriate units and tools, depending on degree of accuracy required, to find measurements for real-world problems.
- Visual art standard 3: know a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual arts.
- Benchmark #1: know how visual, spatial, and temporal concepts integrate with content to communicate intended meaning in one’s artworks.
- Benchmark #2: know different subjects, themes, and symbols (through context, value, and aesthetics) which convey intended meaning in artworks.
- Art connections standard 1: understand connections among the various art forms and other disciplines.
- Benchmark #4: know how various concepts and principles are used in the arts and disciplines outside the arts (e.g., balance, shape, pattern).
Materials Needed:
- Cereal boxes
Submitted By:
Green Education Foundation (GEF)
Green Education Foundation (GEF)
School or Group:
Green Education Foundation (GEF)
Green Education Foundation (GEF)
Contact Email:
Located in: Health